The Best Pie Plate for 2019 got their forks ready and dug into who has the all time best pie plate. We're honored that they gave us the gold!
They said "This dish is one of the most highly regarded plates out there, with great reviews from Good Housekeeping, The Kitchn, and Chow. It also has dozens of positive mentions on Chowhound and Food52 threads, as well as from members of the American Pie Council. The Emile Henry was and still is a favorite of one of our original experts, Kate McDermott. Plus, we know for a fact that this plate will last you a long time: It has a three- to 10-year warranty, depending on where you buy it. McDermott—who bakes four pies a week (though not exclusively in Emile Henry plates)—has had no complaints in the 12 years she has owned her multiple Emile Henry dishes. If you want to get a reliable 10 or 20 years of use from your pie plate, the Emile Henry is worth its price, especially since for that amount of time, $40 or so doesn’t seem all that spendy."
Full article HERE